Authors Note: This is a descriptive piece about Jayson Williams in the book Loose Balls.
Jayson Williams is a pro basketball player who played 9 seasons in the National Basketball Association. He is as tall as a tree and a very muscular person how could crush anybody in a heartbeat, which he often does. Jayson like most basketball players can have a little temper, he could be like a bull in a china shop, or he could be as peaceful as a butterfly. He went to school at St. Johns University but he didn’t finish all four year because he left early to go to the NBA. Jayson has had some trouble with alcohol in his past he has gotten in trouble many times because of drinking.
Jayson can sometimes have an uncontrollable temper and that got him in trouble once when he pop, pop, popped a limo driver with his gun and then he was sentenced to jail time. Even though he is in jail doesn’t mean that he is always a mad person. During his NBA time he was very good with being charitable throughout the cities he played in. Jayson is overall a nice and kind person he adopted his late sisters children and has taken care of them ever since.
You have some errors with punctuation but over all it is very good.